Protagonisti della serata e produttori di vino: LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES.
SCOPRI QUI il menu. Il costo è di 220 euro a persona e include menu e abbinamento vini. PRENOTA ORA nella sezione "Bere Mare".
Protagonista: Stefano Guizzetti di Ciacco Lab. La colazione sarà TAKE AWAY dalle 9:00 fino a SOLD OUT. SCOPRI IL MENU .
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we were invited to host an event by Da Vittorio and Juventus to prepare a special dinner in the Legends Club.
the closing party of the previous location, together with a special chef and friend.
an evening dedicated to extraordinary meats, featuring offal and extreme aging..
an incredible encounter between two realities that are geographically distant but very close in dream.
we went to London for an event which allowed us to know an incredible team and an inspiring group.
a day of sharing, consistent, exchange of knowledge and contamination.